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Our Favorite Self-Care Tips

The temperatures are rising, the days are longer and vacations are scheduled.  It’s officially summer, which is a time when people take advantage of the warmer days, and slower pace and relax a little bit more. Now is the perfect time to indulge in a self-care routine. Self-care is being intentional about taking care of your well-being and improving your life in all aspects. Here are 11 powerful tips to help you get on the road to self-care and becoming the best version of yourself.

  1. Set goals. Consider your aspirations in life and start making goals that can help you become that person that you desire to be in the future.
  2. Eliminate Distractions. Distractions may be using all of your free time and keeping you from becoming the person you truly want to be.
  3. Leave Your Comfort Zone. Your comfort zone is where you feel most content and calm, but this safety net can also serve as a barrier to accomplishing your goals. Leaving your comfort zone may require some bravery, but the benefits can be rewarding and encouraging.
  4. Focus on Healthy Habits. You can’t be the best you if you aren’t mentally and physically healthy. Your overall wellness is the foundation for being the best version of yourself, and positive daily habits can help nourish your body and mind.
  5. Enlist Help. In striving to be your best self, it is important that you become your biggest cheerleader. Whether you need a few words of encouragement or someone to help you maintain accountability, your loved ones can help lift you up into a better lifestyle.
  6. Try Something New. Trying something new allows you to explore your interests, focus on yourself, and push your limits.
  7. Highlight Your Strengths. Make a list of the top ten things you love about yourself, and then think of ten ways to highlight these strengths and bring more value to your life.
  8. Use Positive Affirmations. Research positive affirmations and choose a few statements that truly speak to you and your goals. Positive affirmations are universal words of encouragement, examples like “do your best” and “I am worth it”.
  9. Maintain Realistic Expectations. Keep in mind your best self is not perfect. Even if you achieve all your goals and become the person you truly want to be, you may still experience bumps in the road.
  10. Celebrate Little Wins. It is easy to be hard on yourself when you don’t feel like the best you, but it is important to celebrate milestones on the way to your goals.
  11. Help Others. Helping others can mean supporting the people in your life to become the best versions of themselves too, or it can mean helping someone in need or supporting your favorite charitable cause.

Using self-care to become the best version of yourself is an attainable aspiration in life if you take action now. Focus on positive daily habits and allow your way of thinking to evolve into a new you.