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Become a BBOT Mentee Today!

Beautiful Beauties of Tomorrow is still accepting applications for mentees for the 2020-21 school year.

Our mentorship programs empower girls ages 5-19 to reach their full potential. We encourage young ladies to build their confidence, embrace their true beauty, and cultivate their greatness from within.

BBOT has 3 different mentoring programs:

  • Caterpillars are girls in K – 5th grade! A year-round mentoring group mentoring for middle school girls to help them build self-confidence.
  • Butterflies – Butterflies are girls in 6th – 8th grade. A year-round mentoring group mentoring for elementary school girls to help them build self-confidence.
  • Beauties – A year-round personal development program designed for girls, in 9th – 12th grade, to help them find and embrace their Quintessential Unique Elegance, and Eternal Nobility! 

To learn more about how you can become a mentee, and be empowered by not only your mentor, but by the people around you, click on the “Become a Mentee” button on, and after filling out an application email it to us at